How To Prepare for Your Newborn Photography Session

How to Prepare for your Newborn Photography Session

How to Prepare for your Newborn Photography Session – I don’t know how many newborns I have photographed in my time as a newborn Photographer. I lost track a few years ago. What I do know is the tips I give clients are so super helpful. When clients follow the steps I give them, it makes for a happy baby, and an all around successful session. I wanted to share these tips with my fellow readers, future clients and the Photographers that are just starting out who are following my page along. I hope these tips that I have learned along the way are helpful to you.

Tip # 1 – Keep your baby awake at least 2 hours before your session time. I know – babies generally like to sleep, so easier said then done right?  Keep reading. If they sleep at home, they most likely won’t sleep well for the session. If I get a good half hour at the session of baby sleeping, that’s generally all I need to do the natural posing you see in my portfolio. I do enjoy an awake baby, especially when they make eye contact with the lens.

Tip # 2 – Bath your newborn the morning of your session. This also helps with tip #1. Bathing your baby can eat up a change of time for that 2 hour window above. I haven’t seen a newborn sleep through a bath before (I’m sure it’s possible) but if you bath your baby, chances are it’ll keep them awake. Comb their hair, shampoo, body wash, lotion up your baby. Like a mini spa. Pamper them, and that’ll help keep them awake. Plus they will be nice and clean for their session. The lotion will help alleviate any dry skin (I personally love the flaky skin, but that might just be me?).

Tip # 3 – No Socks. Nope, none. Socks are often fit to the baby’s foot, and leave the clothing crease lines that are a pain in the butt to edit out around the ankles. You don’t need them anyway (this brings me to the next tip).

Tip #4 – Sleepers are a yes. Dress them in a zippered or button down onesie that does NOT go over their head. Something easy to get off and on is perfect. You don’t need the socks if you have the footed sleeper. Sleepers come in all sorts of maternity, light if it’s hot and fleece if it’s cold. You could also do a onesie in the summer, just nothing over their head.

Tip # 5 – Don’t stress. If they fall asleep in the car on the way over. If you want to sit in the back seat and make silly faces at them on the ride to the studio, go for it. But it’s not necessary. They may fall asleep on the way over. That’s because they’ve been kept up for 2 hours 😉 So don’t worry. You’re going to dress them in a sleeper that’s easy to get off, and fingers crossed they stay asleep upon arrival. If you follow the next tip, we can get started right away if this happens.

Tip #6 –Feed Your Newborn Before your leave the house. Gah! so much to remember. I know. This is why some client’s prefer me to come to them. But not to worry, do your best, and if you need to feed baby for a top up before we start, that’s perfectly fine. We take breaks through the session to give baby food and snuggles for reassurance. If baby is awake when you arrive, you can fed baby if they will take it, or we will start with parent images or awake shots of baby if it’s a baby only session.  If I’m doing an in-home lifestyle session, ten start feeding baby 45 minutes before our session starts.

Tip # 7 – Bring lots of food. These tips just flow so nicely together don’t they? yes, they do. If you are nursing, you’ve got baby covered. If you are bringing bottles, I’d bring 4. You may think that sounds absurd, but I promise it’s not. In one session, mom brought 2, and her husband had to run to Shopper’s Drug Mart to grab more formula. Bring at least 4. You don’t know when they’re growth spurts will arise. I have a fridge in the studio, so they will stay good. Just transport them with a cooler and you’re good. I also have a bottle warmer in the studio too.

Tip # 8 – Take care of you too. New parents are often so worried about getting out the door on time they forget about themselves. Pack snacks or a lunch (I generally have at least a few snacks hanging around like granola bars etc) so when you’re hungry you can refuel. I have a Keurig with a bunch of specialty coffees and teas in the studio, as well as a fridge stocked with refreshments. So please help yourself. I also have access to a kettle and a microwave so if you bring your lunch, you can reheat it. Most new parents are only running on a few hours of broken sleep each night, so you need your food to keep you going. So, not only do you need to remember food for baby, but for you too (but I have your snacks covered if you forget).

TIP # 9 – Give yourself lot’s of time. In my new studio, parking won’t be an issue to find, but don’t forget to account for traffic. Plus my little check list will take some time to bath, come camera ready yourselves, gather dads clothing, feed baby, pack food.. etc. so try to get to bed at a reasonable time the night before, so you’re not AS tired in the morning to get moving.

Tip # 10 – Have fun. Our time together will most likely be something you remember for years to come. I remember both my kids newborns sessions so vividly. Every little pose and move they made, I was gushing over. You will too. Dads, if standing over your baby for every shot is not your thing (it’s cool if it is), then I have a nice comfy couch, a big tv, Wifi…. a nice cozy waiting room connected to the studio with double french glass doors to the studio so you can see everything. And moms, if you think that sounds great, you’re welcome to it as well. Also in the waiting room is a place for toddlers to play in. That way they don’t disturb the baby when we are doing the images of baby alone.

I hope you enjoyed my tips on How to Prepare for your Newborn photography Session. I hope to see you soon <3

Much Love,

Stephanie Webster – Durham Region Newborn photographer

How To Prepare for Your Newborn Photography Session

How To Prepare for Your Newborn Photography Session

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  • November 15, 2018 - 10:34 PM

    Renee - These are great tips for your clients!!!ReplyCancel

  • December 5, 2018 - 9:42 AM

    Tamsen - This is a great idea to educate clients on how to get ready! I think most of these things are such learned tips and following them can give clients a much better session, less stress and more beautiful images!ReplyCancel

  • December 6, 2018 - 9:57 PM

    Maxine - This is a great list! I especially like #10, as it can be easy to stress and not live in the moment.ReplyCancel